Poland: Consulting and execution of a spectrum auction in 3.4-3.8GHz band (2018-2021)


Specure has been involved in the frequency auction of the 3.4-3.8GHz band in 2019-2021 in Poland. Specure’s in-house software was used in the process, with customisations according to UKE’s in-house rules and the Polish legislative. The project consisted of two on-site workshops; the delivery of software followed by a software testing please. In addition the … Read more

Belgium: Consulting and execution of a series of spectrum auctions (2018-2021)


Consortium Auctiometrix – Specure has been involved in the consulting and preparation of a series of spectrum auctions of 700MHz, 900MHz, 1400MHz, 1800MHz, 2GHz, 2100MHz, 2600MHz and 3600MHz bands. The project consisted of consultancy services, incl. two on-site workshops, software delivery and testing. The project is still ongoing.

Austria: RTR Nettest (2019 – 2021)


From 2019, we implemented several improvements in the open source code of RTR Nettest, a mobile and fixed line broadband measurement solution of the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications – RTR GmbH. Among other improvements, we added 5G support and implemented new features such as continuous signal measurements. More information about the RTR-Nettest … Read more

Norway: Mobile Broadband Measurement Solution (2016 – 2021)


NKOM – Norwegian Communications Authority In 2016-2017, we implemented a mobile broadband measurement solution for NKOM, the Norwegian Communications Authority. Our open-source solution tool was used as a basis for the tool. The mobile apps can be downloaded using the following links: The source code is available at https://github.com/specure

Slovenia: AKOS Test Net (2014 – 2021)


AKOS – The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia

In 2014-2015, we implemented a mobile and fixed line broadband measurement solution for AKOS, the Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia. Our open-source solution tool was used as a basis for the tool.

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Slovakia: meracinternetu.sk and Mobiltest (2017 – 2021)


In 2017, we implemented a mobile and fixed line broadband measurement solution for RU SK, the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services. Our open-source solution tool was used as a basis for the tool. The mobile apps can be downloaded using the following links: The source code is available at https://github.com/specure

Serbia: Ratel NetTest (2015 – 2021)


In 2015, we implemented a mobile and fixed line broadband measurement solution for Ratel, the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services. Our open-source solution tool was used as a basis for the tool. The mobile apps can be downloaded using the following links: The source code is available at https://github.com/specure