Specure specializes in spectrum auctions delivery and QoS measurement and monitoring of the internet access service.
We are a private company (GmbH), established in October 2014 in Vienna and operating under Austrian law. Since the company’s inception, we have collaborated with numerous telecom market regulators on innovative solutions that help with their regulatory jobs. We also rely on world-wide partner network to deliver solutions efficiently and with best possible local support.

Specure’s EAS auction platform has been deployed in numerous spectrum auctions across Europe and in Africa. The software has been the cornerstone of many successful auction projects.

Regulators within and outside of Europe are using Specure’s flagship platform Open Nettest as a standard measurement, monitoring and reporting tool on a daily basis.
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Informationspflicht lt. §5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmensgesetzbuch bzw. §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht lt. §25 Mediengesetz – Impressum