Modern web-based solution which will help you implement and deliver successful spectrum auctions

Spectrum Auction Software from Specure

Reliable, Transparent and Secure
A reliable platform, making the process transparent and secure

Easy to use
Convenient web interface with details customised to your auction

Compliant with the legal framework and the specific auction rules
Let’s organise a successful spectrum auction together!
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How do we work?
During the spectrum auction project, we follow a logical, repeatable process to guarantee a seamless execution. Bidders usually grasp the intuitive user interface within a short time. But there is also always a solution for the more complicated auction formats. We then take the time to implement the rules and features, which is followed by thorough validation and testing. We will also provide user trainings for the concrete auction format and one or several mock auctions for the bidders. Finally, we will support the auctioneer with the auction execution and post-mortem reports as needed.

Successful Auctions
Nigeria: Execution of 3.5 GHz Auction (2021)
Specure has been involved in the spectrum auction of 3.5GHz band.
The project consisted of two on-site workshops, training, software delivery and of the conducting of the live auction.
Belgium: Consulting and execution of a series of spectrum auctions (2018-2022)
Consortium Auctiometrix – Specure has been involved in the consulting and preparation of a series of spectrum auctions of 700MHz, 900MHz, 1400MHz, 1800MHz, 2GHz, 2100MHz, 2600MHz and 3600MHz bands.
The project consisted of consultancy services, incl. two on-site workshops, software delivery, testing and live auction support.
Poland: Consulting and execution of a spectrum auction in 3.4-3.8GHz band (2018-2021)
Specure has been involved in the frequency auction of the 3.4-3.8GHz band in 2019-2021 in Poland. Specure’s in-house software was used in the process, with customisations according to UKE’s in-house rules and the Polish legislative.
The project consisted of software delivery and testing, on-site and off-site workshops, support of the live auction.
Finland: Implementation and execution of a spectrum auction of 26GHz (2019-2020)
The project aimed to deliver a frequency auction of three blocks in the 26GHz band. The auction format was based on a modified version of an SMRA auction format. The project started in late 2019 and the live auction took place in June 2020.
The project had been delivered as a consortium of Specure and Auctiometrix, based in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
The project consisted of two on-site workshops; software delivery and testing, on-site and off-site workshops, conducting of the live auction.
Portugal: Consulting to a multi-band spectrum auction (2019-2020)
Specure was involved in the consultation related to the preparation of a frequency auction of the 450 MHz, 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1500 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz (TDD), 2600 MHz, 3.6 GHz and 26 GHz bands in Portugal.
The project consisted of several workshops(off and on-site), ad-hoc consultations, delivery of the Auction Rules Draft and recommendations report.
The consultancy covered regional and national bands, consideration to the current legal specifics, optimal spectrum usage for 5G and the suggestion of the most appropriate auction format.
Croatia: 700MHz, 3600MHz and 2GHz (2020-2021) & 800MHz, 900MHz, 1.GHz, 2.1GHz,2.6GHz, 3.6GHz (2022-2023)
Specure was involved in auction of 700MHz, 3600MHz and 2GHz bands.
The project consisted of several off and on-site workshops, training, software delivery and of the support of the live auction.
The auction of 800MHz, 900MHz, 1.GHz, 2.1GHz,2.6GHz, 3.6GHz bands was also supported and delivered by Specure in 2022-2023.
Montenegro: Consulting and conduction of a multi-band CCA auction in 800, 900, 1800, 2000 and 2600MHz bands (2015 – 2017) & 700MHz, 3.6GHz, 26GHz (2022)
Specure with its subcontractor Coleago Consulting delivered a complex multi-band frequency auctions of 4G mobile services in Podgorica, Montenegro. The auction was a Combinatorial Clock Auction (CCA).
The project consisted of on and off – site workshops; software delivery and testing, support of the live auction.
The auction of 700MHz, 3.6GHz and 26GHz is in 2022 was also supported and delivered by Specure.
Finland: Consulting and execution of a spectrum auction of 3.5GHz (2018)
The project aimed to deliver a frequency auction of three paired blocks in the 3.5GHz band (3.4 – 3.8 GHz). The auction format was based on Ficora’s (now Traficom) own proprietary auction rules set by the respective ministry.
The project consisted of software delivery and testing, on-site and off-site workshops, support of the live auction.
Tanzania: Auction software services and execution of a spectrum auction in 700MHz band (2018)
Specure as a subcontractor to the main contractor Coleago delivered one of the few successful frequency auctions in Africa. The auction finished with all four blocks sold. Another positive aspect of the auction was that a new entrant appeared, a local Tanzanian company, who got frequencies for building a new 4G network.
The project consisted of software delivery and testing, on-site and off-site workshops and training, conducting of the live auction.

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