Spectrum Auction formats – SMRA vs. CCA

How can governments ensure that spectrum is entrusted to operators who will deliver quality service to the public at a reasonable price? For decades, auctions have been the preferred method for assigning spectrum licenses. When executed well, spectrum auctions promote fairness, transparency and efficiency. In this post, we will look at the most popular spectrum … Read more

New zero-rated offering of Orange Slovakia

New zero-rated offering from Orange Slovakia in consumers' living room.

Slovak regulator RÚ investigates Orange Slovakia compliance with net neutrality for its new zero-rated offer, the watchdog’s spokesman confirmed for Zive.sk. Several mobile operators have offered zero-rated add-on packages since long. RÚ has considered them compliant with the net neutrality rules so far. So, what is different now?

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Save the Date: Thursday 25 June 2020

Open Nettest

Please take a note of the upcoming 2020 Open Nettest Expert Exchange. This virtual conference will take place on 25th of June 2020 in the forenoon.  Taking advantage of the online format, a range of topics will be discussed and presented, including: Lessons learned: Marketing campaigns for crowdsourcing measurement tools 5G and the new generation of … Read more

Portugal: Consulting to a multi-band spectrum auction (2019-2020)


Specure was involved in the consultation related to the preparation of a frequency auction of the 450 MHz, 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1500 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz (TDD), 2600 MHz, 3.6 GHz and 26 GHz bands in Portugal. The project consisted of several milestones, including two on-site workshops, several telephone consultations and written recommendations … Read more