Electronic communications get people closer to each other. With the deployment of the next-generation mobile networks communications of people and even machines and things get to yet another level. Still, health concerns may halt technology advancements. Recently, two events prove that: cancellation of top event Mobile World Congress due to coronavirus; and Switzerland putting 5G rollout on halt due to health concerns.
ComReg has a solution for poor indoor coverage
Energy efficient buildings deteriorate mobile connectivity. On one hand, building materials with good insulation characteristics protect from the cold, on the other hand they do not let mobile signal in or out. Therefore, the Irish regulator ComReg recommends two things to consumers to address poor indoor coverage: repeaters and WiFi calling.
Spectrum Auction software – one decade of experience
The start of year 2020 is a good opportunity to look back at the last decade. In this article we will particularly look at our spectrum auction software and how it evolved in the recent years.
Poland sends 5G auction into second consultation round
UKE, the Polish regulator, runs the second round of consultation on the auction in 3.5 GHz band. The plan is to award four licences, each for 80 MHz, valid until the end of June 2035. Stakeholders can comment on the draft auction conditions until 27 February 2020.
Orange Polska tests 5G until end of February
Orange Polska will go on with its 5G tests in Lublin and Warsaw. As readers might recall, in 2019, the operator conducted 5G tests with the broadest range in the country. Thanks to the extension of the testing licence by UKE, the telecom regulator, Orange will test 5G until 29 February.
A1 starts 5Giganetz in Austria
Austrian operator A1 announces start of the 5Giganetz network on 25 February. With 350 sites in 129 municipalities it makes the biggest 5G network in Austria.
Polish regulator consults on 5G auction documentation
Polish regulator UKE started the consultation on the draft auction documentation for the prepared 5G auction. The plan is to distribute four licences in the 3480-3800 MHz band, 80 MHz each, with the reserve prices of above € 400m. The licences shall be valid until the end of May 2035.
Slovak regulator consults on multiband auction
Slovak regulator RU consults until 5th February 2020 on draft multiband auction conditions for award of frequencies in the bands 700 MHz, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz. The proposed format of the auction is SMRA. Bidders shall compete for six blocks of 2×5 MHz each in the 700 MHz band, one block of 2×4.2 MHz in the 900 MHz band and three blocks of 2×3 MHz each in the 1800 MHz band. Total reserve price is proposed at €92.49m.