Sweden completes 5G auction in one day

Swedish auction to award spectrum in the 3.5 GHz and 2.3 GHz bands began and ended on 19 January 2021. Four successful bidders distributed the spectrum after only four bidding rounds. Total proceeds from the 5G auction amount to SEK 2.3bn.

Despite some back and forth administrative actions related to the concerns with cybersecurity and Huawei, which preceded the 5G auction, the bidding process hits record in shortness.

Three bidders gained the 5G pioneer band, 3.5 GHz, and one bidder won the whole available 2.3 GHz spectrum. The operator Hi3G Access gained 100 MHz (3400-3500 MHz) for SEK 491.25m; Net4Mobility (Tele2 and Telenor) won also 100 MHz (3620-3720 MHz) and will pay SEK 665.5m.

Furthermore Telia Sweden gained the most spectrum, 120 MHz (3500-3620 MHz), which will cost the operator SEK 760.25m. Telia launched its 5G network on May 25, 2020, which has now been deployed to 20 cities.

The whole 80 MHz in the 2.3 GHz band (2300-2380 MHz) will go to Teracom and the operator will pay the fee of SEK 400m.

In conclusion the regulator PTS will issue the licences in due course. Operators will be able to use the acquired spectrum for the development of 5G services. With the new resources they will be able to strengthen the capacity of mobile broadband and develop Internet of Things.

Selecting the best format for a Spectrum auction is an important decision, and proper execution is critical.
For more information about Spectrum Auction read our Blog article: https://specure.com/spectrum-auction-formats-smra-vs-cca/

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