The project aimed to deliver a frequency auction of three paired blocks in the 3.5GHz band (3.4 – 3.8 GHz). The auction format was based on Ficora’s (now Traficom) own proprietary auction rules set by the respective ministry.
MoQoS – Second Stakeholders’ Conference
Sopot, June 12th, 2018 Poland hosts the second MoQoS conference Austrian company Specure, offering internet service quality measurement tool Nettest, organised the second stakeholder conference of the MoQoS (Measurement of Quality of Service) project in Sopot, Poland on 12 June, as a follow-up of the first stakeholder conference in Vienna in December 2017. The project … Read more
Tanzania: Auction software services and execution of a spectrum auction in 700MHz band (2018)
Our software and the team expertise helped to deliver one of the few successful frequency auctions in Africa. The auction finished with all four blocks sold. Another positive aspect of the auction was that a new entrant appeared, a local Tanzanian company, who got frequencies for building a new 4G network.
MoQoS – First Stakeholders’ Conference
Castle of Schönbrunn, Vienna, December 7th, 2017 On 07 December, the First Stakeholders Conference of the project MoQoS (Measurement of Quality of Service) took place in Vienna. The project scheduled for 2017-2018 is co-financed by the European Union from the Connecting Europe Facility with a budget of EUR 997,808. The MoQoS project members comprise the … Read more
Montenegro: Consulting and execution of a multi-band CCA auction in 800, 900, 1800, 2000 and 2600MHz bands
Team Specure with its subcontractor Coleago Consulting delivered a complex multi-band frequency auctions of 4G mobile services in Podgorica, Montenegro. The auction was a Combinatorial Clock Auction (CCA).