MoQoS – Second Stakeholders’ Conference

Sopot, June 12th, 2018

Poland hosts the second MoQoS conference

Austrian company Specure, offering internet service quality measurement tool Nettest, organised the second stakeholder conference of the MoQoS (Measurement of Quality of Service) project in Sopot, Poland on 12 June, as a follow-up of the first stakeholder conference in Vienna in December 2017. The project partners include the Czech domain registry CZ.NIC as the project’s coordinator and the Austrian company Specure as the project’s technology partner. 

Introducing Open Nettest

Since opening discussions on the implementation of network neutrality principles, the measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) has been a key focus for European regulators. As a result, BEREC (the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) is seeking to implement a single reference tool, which national regulators can use to protect consumers and ensure the compliance of the QoS standards provided by ISPs to customers.

Which is why Specure, the technology partner of the MoQos project, has further developed the Nettest open source platform to create Open Nettest – a fully featured broadband metrics system which is already in use by several national regulatory authorities.

First steps

At the first workshop, we introduced MoQos and Nettest to representatives of eleven national telecommunication regulatory bodies. We also discussed methodologies and trends in QoS measurement and how the Nettest platform is able to meet those needs by evaluating criteria recommended by BEREC for QoS measurement.

Going further

Given the impending launch of 5G networks, Specure is further developing the Nettest platform, to allow for the collection, processing and visualisation of data related to the quality of service and quality of experience. On the day of the event, we will be discussing those developments and how the technology can help us meet the challenges coming down the road.

Press coverage

Article at Telecompaper

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