Ratel hosts meeting on QoS measurement

Serbian regulator Ratel hosted a meeting in Belgrade on the measurement of quality of service (QoS). During the meeting, experts from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia presented and discussed the latest projects and activities in this domain. The participants exchanged their experience from the MoQoS (Measurement of Quality of Service) project implemented in 2017-2018.

The EU co-financed MoQoS project aimed at facilitating cooperation among national telecom regulators across Europe by creating, publishing and reusing open data related to broadband internet. The Czech domain registry CZ.NIC was the project’s coordinator. Specure, Austria backed the project as the technology partner, providing the measurement application Open Nettest.

Open Nettest is a platform for collecting, processing and visualisation of data related to the quality of service and quality of experience. It consists of a web-based client, mobile clients, hardware probes, data portal and back-end infrastructure. Unlike commercial alternatives, Nettest has test servers hosted at major national and international internet exchange points, outside the ISPs’ networks.

The data collected by Open Nettest can also be used for further analyses, such as adherence to net neutrality, meeting broadband coverage obligations and discovering the overall speed and quality trends of broadband services. Open Nettest also provides visualisation of aggregated data on a heat map, allowing both the regulator and end-users to check the network performance and quality at any given location.

Similar solutions for measurement of internet quality and quality of service, based on the same Open Source technology, have been implemented by several national regulatory authorities: RTR Austria, AKOS Slovenia, RATEL Serbia, Slovak regulator RU, CTO Czech Republic, NKOM Norway, EKIP Montenegro and others.

The participants of the meeting in Belgrade exchanged their experience with the measurements, implemented for the control of quality of broadband connections by regulators and securing consumer rights protection.

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