MoQoS – First Stakeholders’ Conference

Castle of Schönbrunn, Vienna, December 7th, 2017

On 07 December, the First Stakeholders Conference of the project MoQoS (Measurement of Quality of Service) took place in Vienna. The project scheduled for 2017-2018 is co-financed by the European Union from the Connecting Europe Facility with a budget of EUR 997,808. The MoQoS project members comprise the regulators of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia, CZ.NIC and Specure.

The main aim of the workshop was to introduce the MoQoS project (Open crowdsourcing data related to the quality of service of high-speed Internet), implemented under the Connecting Europe Facility, and to offer the Member States not participating in the project the possibility to use its outputs. At the same time, it introduced and discussed the current trends in the QoS measurement.

The representatives of 11 national telecommunication regulatory bodies from Europe were presented the entire framework in detail for the QoS measurement, which consists of a mobile application, web test and hardware probes. The test performed via a mobile application enables a verification of 79 criteria arising from the BEREC recommendations for QoS measurement. From the start of the implementation, there were more than 700 000 measurements performed via the OpenNettest application and its national implementations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia.

On average more than 8 tests are performed each minute. Part of these data is then published on national open data portals and on the European open data portal.The regulatory bodies were very interested also in the hardware probes based on the TURRIS routers, which enable us to perform smooth measurements on end points up until the speed of 1 Gbps, both on the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol. The added value of these probes for the user is the protection of their home networks, esp. via automatic security updates.Last but not least, the workshop contained a discussion about the possibility of linking open data and their use, e.g during the increasingly more popular hackathons.

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